Smirnova G.V. Krasnykh T.A. Oktyabrsky O.N. The role of glutathione in response of Escherichia coli to osmotic stress // Biochemistry (Moscow). 2001. V. 66. P. 973-978.
Smirnova G.V. Muzika N.G. Oktyabrsky O.N. The role of antioxidant enzymes in response of Escherichia coli to osmotic upshift // FEMS Microbiology Letters. 2000. V. 186, N 2. P. 209-213.
Smirnova G.V. Muzika N.G. Glukhovchenko M. N. Oktyabrsky O.N. Еffects of menadione and hydrogen peroxide on glutathione status in growing Escherichia coli // Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2000. V. 28. N 7. P. 1009-1016.
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Smirnova G.V. Muzika N.G. Glukhovchenko M. N. Oktyabrsky O.N. Hydrogen peroxide modulates intracellular levels of thiols and potassium in Escherichia coli // Microbiology. 1998. V. 67, N 5. P. 488-493.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. The pH effect on the cea expression in UV-irradiated and nonirradiated Escherichia coli cells // Russian Journal of Genetics. 1998. V. 34, N 11. P. 1256-1258.
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Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Betaine modulates intracellular thiol and potassium levels in Escherichia coli in medium with high osmolarity and alkaline pH // Archives Microbiology. 1995. V. 163. P. 76-78.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Moshonkina E. V. Zakirova N. V. Induction of the alkylation-inducible aidB gene of Escherichia coli by cytoplasmic acidification and N-ethylmaleimide // Mutation Research, DNA Repair. 1994. V. 314. P. 51-56.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Near-ultraviolet radiation and hydrogen peroxide modulate intracellular levels of potassium and thiols in E. coli // Current Microbiology. 1994. V. 28. P. 77-79.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Golyasnaya N.V. Smirnova G.V. Demakov V.A. Posokhina N. Kh. Kholstova T. A. Acidification of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium cytoplasm reduces mutagenic effect of N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine // Mutation Research, DNA Repair. (Moscow), 1993. V. 293. P. 197-204.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Changes in intracellular potassium and thiol levels in Escherichia coli K12 under various stresses // Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International. 1993. V. 30. N 2. P. 377-383.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Changes in redox potential of Escherichia coli culture and in intracellular glutathione status under osmotic shock // Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics. 1993. V. 326. P. 287-294.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Kuznetsova E. V. Ferricyanide reduction by Escherichia coli cells: probable contribution of low molecular weight thiols // Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics. 1993. V. 326. P. 267-285.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Changes in the amount of SH-compounds in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis on transition to the stationary phase (Translated version) // Microbiology (USSR). 1990. V. 59. P. 254-259.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Dynamics of redox potential in bacterial cultures growing in media containing different sources of carbon, energy and nitrogen // Acta Biotechnologica. 1989. V. 9. N 3. P. 203-209.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Changes in the redox potential and number of accessible SH-groups in cultures of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis under transient processes (Translated version) // Biochemistry (USSR). 1988. V. 53. P. 1749-1755.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Effect of activity of primary proton pumps on growth of Escherichia coli in the presence of acetate (Translated version) // Microbiology (USSR). 1988. V. 57. P. 446-451.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Changes in the redox potential of the medium for B. subtilis cultures and their connection with electrical parameters of the cells (Translated version) // Biophisics (USSR). 1986. V. 31, N 3. P. 503-508.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Dependence of the changes in the redox potential of medium during the cessation of bacterial growth upon the character of cells surface and parameters of medium P. 616-620. // Izvestia of AN SSSR, biological serial. 1986. V. 4. P. 616-620.