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Публикации | Pulbications
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  1. Shirshev S.V. Orlova E.G.
    Molecular mechanisms of leptin regulation of the functional activity of lymphomyeloid cells // Advances in Current Biology. (Moscow), 2006. V. 126 N5. P. 482-492.

  2. Bachmetyev B.A. Rayev M.B. Belyaeva O.V. Egorov B.V. Shemyakina N.B.
    Molecular mechanisms of local inflammatory response development // Summary report on the Regional Competition RFBR-Ural. Results of scientific investigations for 2005. (Perm): Perm Scientific Centre, 2006. P. 164-167.

  3. Gavrilova T.V. Faizrakhmanov R.R. Chereshneva M.V. Medvedeva S.Ju. Rodionov S.Ju. Shilov Ju. I. Chereshnev V.A.
    Peculiarities of morphofunctional state of eye structures with different therapeutical protocols supplemented with profetal for penetrating eye injury treatment // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2006. N1. P. 40-45.

  4. Korobov V.P. Lemkina L. M. Poludova T.V. Avdeeva N.S. Balakova O.Ju.
    Production of antibacterial compounds by clinical isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci // Current State and Prospects for the Development of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference. (Minsk), 2006. P. 112-114.

  5. Tkachenko A.G. Shumkov M.S. Akhova A.V.
    Putrescine as a Modulator of Level of RNA Polymerase σs-subunit in Escherichia coli cells under acid stress // Biochemistry. Moscow, 2006. V.71, N2. P. 237-246.

  6. Shirshev S.V. Kuklina E.M.
    Reproductive hormones in the control of T cell activity at the different stages of differentiation // 16th European Congress of Immunology. Paris, France (September 6-9, 2006), 2006. P. P.373.

  7. Kuklina E.M.
    Revision of antigenic receptor of T-lymphocytes // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2006. V. 71 N8. P. 1021-1033.

  8. Gorshkova K.G. Gein S.V. Tendryakova S.P.
    Role of beta-endorphine in regulation of IL-1 beta and IL-8 production by peripheral blood monocytes and neutrophils // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2006. N3-1(14). P. 46-47.

  9. Gein S.V. Sharaviova I.L. Tendryakova S.P.
    Role of delta-opiate receptors in regulation of humoral and cell-mediated immune response under the rotation stress // Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2006. V.406 N2. P. 1-3.

  10. Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A.
    Role of menstrual cycle phases in modulating action of chorionic gonadotropin on the functional activity of peripheral blood monocytes // Human Physiology. (Moscow), 2006. V. 32 N4. P. 102-109.

  11. Gein S.V. Bayeva T.A. Gein O. N. Chereshnev V.A.
    Role of monocytes in realization of effects of beta-endorphine and selective agonists of mu-, and delta-opiate receptors on the proliferative activity of peripheral blood lymphocytes // Human Physiology. (Moscow), 2006. V.32 N3. P. 111-116.

  12. Tkachenko A.G. Pozhidaeva O.N. Shumkov M.S.
    Role of Polyamines in the Formation of Multiple Antibiotic Resistance of Escherichia coli under Stressful Conditions // Biochemistry. Moscow, 2006. V.71, N9. P. 1287-1296.

  13. Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A
    Role of Toll-like proteins in the realization of effects of chorionic gonadotropin on the functional activity of monocytes // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics (Doklady Akademii Nauk).-. 2006. V409 N5. P. 241-243.

  14. Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A.
    Role of Toll-like proteins in the realization of effects of chorionic gonadotropin on the functional activity of monocytes // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics (Doklady Akademii Nauk). 2006. V.409, №5.. P. 241-243.

  15. Shirshev S.V. Zamorina S.A.
    Role of Toll-like proteins in the realization of effects of chorionic gonadotropin on the functional activity of monocytes. // Dokl Biochem Biophys.. 2006. Jul-Aug;409:. P. 241-3..

  16. Perepletov M.I. Remezovskaya N.B. Maksimov A.Ju. Demakov V.A.
    Selection of bacterial strains for biotransformation of carboxylic esters // Proceedings from V International Research/Practice Conference "Ecology and Scientific/Technical Progress". (Perm), 2006. P. 278-281.

  17. Perepletov M.I. Remezovskaya N.B. Maksimov A.Ju.
    Selection of bacterial strains possessing esterase activity // International Conference "Genetics of Microorganisms and Biotechnology". (Moscow), 2006. P. 157-158.

  18. Kudrina E.A. Maksimov A.Ju.
    Selection, identification and characterization of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms // International Conference "Genetics of Microorganisms and Biotechnology". (Moscow), 2006. P. 54-54.

  19. Krasnykh M.S. Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V.
    Several molecular mechanisms of thyroxin effect on phagocytosis in vivo and in vitro // Herald of Ural Medical Academic Science. (Ekaterinburg), 2006. N3-1(14). P. 109-112.

  20. Lopatina V.A. Shirshev S.V.
    Significance of differentiated evaluation of partial composition of leukocytes in capillary and venous channel in children with obstructive syndrome. Role of immunocorrection // New Laboratory Technologies in Diagnostics and Treatment of Human Diseases. (Chelyabinsk), 2006. P. 190-193.

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