Shilov Ju. I. Orlova E.G. Adrenergic mechanisms of regulation of phagocyte activity of neutrophils, monocytes and eosinophils in rat peripheral blood under acute stress // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Moscow), 2000. V. 375 N5. P. 563-566.
Shilov Ju. I. Orlova E.G. Adrenergic regulation of functions of circulating pool of phagocytes under acute stress // Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. (Moscow), 2000. V. 373 N2. P. 267-269.
Zotin A.V. Yurkova E.V. Shilov Ju. I. Alterations in the phagocyte activity of neutrophils, monocytes and eosinophils of rat peripheral blood under acute adrenaline stress and its modulation with pilocarpine in vitro // Herald of IAELPS. (St.-Petersburg), 2000. N6. P. 129-132.
Shirshev S.V. Lopatina V.A. Koryukina I.P. Ivanova A.S. Assessment of immunomodulating effects of sublingual introduction of polyoxidonium in children suffering from broncho-obstructive syndrome // Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N5. P. 53-55.
Kuklina E.M. Shirshev S.V. cAMP-dependent signal transduction in control of T-lymphocyte activation // Biochemistry. (Moscow), 2000. V. 65 N6. P. 741-752.
Salakhetdinova O.Ya. Pshenichnov M.R. Nesterova L.Ju. Drachyova N. A. Tkachenko A.G. Changes in the Topological State of DNA during Escherichia coli Adaptation to Oxidative Stress under Glucose Starvation and after the Transition to Growth // Microbiology. Moscow, 2000. V.69, N1. P. 70-74.
Shirshev S.V. Lopatina V.A. Koryukina I.P. Ivanova A.S. Characterization of polyoxidonium immunomodulating effects in children suffering from recurrent obstructive bronchitis // Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N4. P. 54-57.
Chereshnev V.A. Shilov Ju. I. Chereshneva M.V. Badanina O.N. Dynamics of phagocyte activity of leukocytes and alterations in the cellularity of the organs of lymphomyeliod complex under experimental penetrating eye injury // International Journal on Immunorehabilitation. (Moscow), 2000. V. 2 N2. P. 145-153.
Chereshneva M.V. Shilov Ju. I. Badanina O.N. Osotov S.V. Dynamics of the parameters of oxygen-dependent mechanisms of bactericidal action of circulating pool of phagocytes in NBT test under experimental penetrating eye injury // Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N1. P. 26-30.
Likhacheva N.S. Bachmetyev B.A. Effect of interleukins and STH on phagocyte functions // Herald of the IAELPS. (St.-Petersburg), 2000. N6. P. 26-33.
Likhacheva N.S. Bachmetyev B.A. Chereshneva M.V. Effect of myelopeptide on human blood phagocytes in vitro // Medical Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. V. 2 N3. P. 248-254.
Shilov Ju. I. Zotin A.V. Effect of pilocarpine and theophylline on phagocyte activity of leukocytes of peripheral blood from healthy people in vitro // Perm Medical Journal. (Perm), 2000. V. 17 N3. P. 17-23.
Bachmetyev B.A. Likhacheva N.S. Effect of STH on human blood phagocyte functions // Issues in Endocrinology. (Moscow), 2000. N3. P. 25-28.
Chereshnev V.A. Shilov Ju. I. Chereshneva M.V. Platova L.A. Badanina O.N. Osotov S.V. Ponomareva T.B. Effects of polyoxidonium on phagocytic cell functions. Experimental and clinical estimation of potential inclusion of polyoxidonium in complex therapy under penetrating eye injury // Russian Journal of Immunology. 2000. V. 5 N 1. P. 39-52. Full text>>
Shirshev S.V. Immunobiological peculiarities of placental antigens // Advances in Current Biology. (Moscow), 2000. V. 120 N3. P. 279-290.
Chereshneva M.V. Shilov Ju. I. Chereshnev V.A. Kevorkov N.N. Shilov S.Ju. Bysireva V.N. Immunological disturbances and their immunocorrection under penetrating eye injury // Immunology and Allergology. (Moscow), 2000. V. 1 N3. P. 49-60.
Reznic A.V Gitman M.B. Bachmetyev B.A. Mathematical description of interpopulational interaction processes // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2000. V. 4 N 1.
Tkachenko A.G. Bukharin O.V Gritsenko V.A Salakhetdinova O.Ja. Phase Alterations of Reproductive Potential, Intracellular Polyamines, and Anti-Lysozyme Activity in Escherichia coli in Periodic Culture // Microbiology. Moscow, 2000. V.69,N1. P. 132-134.
Kashevarova N.M. Oborin A.A. Physical-Chemical and Microbiological Characterization of Bottom Sediments of Water Reservoir-Cooler in Beloyarsk Atomic Power Station // Herald of Ecology, Man, and Nature Protection Sciences. Moscow, 2000. N6(30). P. 120-121.
Chereshnev V.A. Kevorkov N.N. Bachmetyev B.A. Shirshev S.V. Shilov Ju. I. Shmagel K.V. Demakov V.A. Chereshneva M.V. Rayev M.B. Tuzankina I.A. Osipenko A.V. Korolevskaya L.B. Starkova E.A. Badanina O.N. Shirsheva I.V. Physiology of the immune system and ecology // Allergy, Asthma and Cilinical Immunology. (Moscow), 2000. N8. P. 21-27.