Tkachenko A.G. Alteration of Energetic Parameters of E. coli in the Process of Depletion and Re-Supply of Glucose and Ammonium as a Factor Characterizing Conjugation of Energetic and Constructive Metabolism // Microbiology. Moscow, 1990. V.59, N2. P. 197-204.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Changes in the amount of SH-compounds in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis on transition to the stationary phase (Translated version) // Microbiology (USSR). 1990. V. 59. P. 254-259.
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Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Correlation between the Energetic Parameters and the Free Pool of Polyamines in Escherichia coli in the Course of its Synchronous Growth // Microbiology. Moscow, 1990. V.59, N1. P. 12-18.
Shirshev S.V. Kevorkov N.N. Effect of chorionic gonadotropin on stem hemopoietic cells // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. (Moscow), 1990. V. 59 N1. P. 62-65.
Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Effect of pH-transitions on Energetic State and Exchange of Potassium/Putrescine in E. coli Cells // Cytology. Moscow, 1990. P. 953-954.
Tkachenko A.G. Preparation and Utilisation of Dansiladenylates as a Fluorescent Substrate in the Reactions of the Energy Metabolism // Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. Moscow, 1990. V.26. N1. P. 124-130.
Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Alteration in Polyamine Pool in the Course of Anaerobic-Aerobic Transition and Localization of their Synthesis Enzymes in E. coli Cells // Microbiology. Moscow, 1989. V.58, N6. P. 885-891.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Dynamics of redox potential in bacterial cultures growing in media containing different sources of carbon, energy and nitrogen // Acta Biotechnologica. 1989. V. 9. N 3. P. 203-209.
Shirshev S.V. Effect of chorionic gonadotropin on the individual stages of immunogenesis // Interleukines and Another Mediators in Clinical Immunology. (Moscow): Republican Collection of Scientific Articles, 1989. P. 116-120.
Tkachenko A.G. Rayev M.B. Chudinov A.A. Energy of Aerobic-Anaerobic Transition during Asynchronous and Synchronous Growth of E. coli // Factors and Mechanisms of Growth Regulation of Bacterial Populations. Sverdlovsk, 1989. P. 5-12.
Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Exchange of Polyamines between the Cell and its Environment as a Factor Determining the Growth of Escherichia coli Fed-Batch Cultures // Microbiology. Moscow, 1989. P. 584-590.
Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Tchurilova N.S. Role of Intracellular Pool of Putrescine in Regulation of Constructive Exchange in E. coli in the Process of Aerobic-Anaerobic Transitions // Microbiology. Moscow, 1989. V.59, N5. P. 709-715.
Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Role of the System of Polyamine Synthesis in Energetic Coupling of E. coli // Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1989. V.305, N1. P. 219-222.
1. Barban P.S., Pshenichnov R.A., Pantukhina A.N., Ivshina I.B. Immunofluorescence assay. (In Russian). , . - .. Sverdlovsk: Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1988. 175 pp.
Tkachenko A.G. Chudinov A.A. Kolbina E.A. Alteration in the Energy Status of Synchronous Escherichia coli Cultures in the Course of Aerobic-Anaerobic Transition // Microbiology. Moscow, 1988. V.57, N1. P. 65-72.
Oktyabrsky O.N. Smirnova G.V. Changes in the redox potential and number of accessible SH-groups in cultures of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis under transient processes (Translated version) // Biochemistry (USSR). 1988. V. 53. P. 1749-1755.
Smirnova G.V. Oktyabrsky O.N. Effect of activity of primary proton pumps on growth of Escherichia coli in the presence of acetate (Translated version) // Microbiology (USSR). 1988. V. 57. P. 446-451.
Tkachenko A.G. Energetic Parameters as a Reflection of Transition States in Periodic Cultures of E. coli with Substrate Supplementation // Microbiology. Moscow, 1988. V.57, N4. P. 615-621.
Barban P.S. Pshenichnov R.A. Pantukhina A.N. Ivshina I.B. Immunofluorescence assay. (In Russian). Sverdlovsk: Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1988. 175 pp.